Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Title Revealed.....

Yeah the statement made, by me, under the blog title is what my friends mostly call me. That's right. Be jealous!!! All of my amigos believe I have one of the best Horatio Caine impersonations on the planet.

I don't want to brag or boast but I do believe that I do have an awsome impersonation of an awsome guy.

Oh and AFI's new cd, known as Crash Love, will drop on September 29th of this year!! OH YEAH!!!

[left to right: Davey Havok(vocals), Adam Carson (drums), Jade Puget (guitar)]

[Hunter Burgan (Bass)]
NOTE: I didnt have all of them in one picture together. XD

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Topic # 8: Why did they change Tristan and Iseult?

I believe the writers of the movie "Tristan and Isoldt" made it different from the book "Tristan and Iseult" is because the writers wanted to make the movie understandable to everyone. The book version is based off of Romeo and Juliet but gets to the point, but it still has the Shakespearian vocabulary.

The writers of the movie probably thought "If we make the movie exactly like the book, then some people who have never read Shakespear may not know what the characters are talking about. If we make the movie so that it still has Shakespear in it, but it is easy to understand, then the movie might get more credit. =)"

Another reason might be that the makers of the movie wanted to make it (the movie) more realistic than the book was. For instance, the book says that Tristan and Iseult were sailing back from Ireland to Cornwall and after the trip they were very thirsty. Iseult found a wine bottle that had a love potion in it. Tristan and Iseult drank it then fell deeply in love.

In the movie, Tristan and Iseult "fell in love at first sight".

That is why I believe the writers of the movie made it different.

( Sorry if some names or words are misspelled. I kant spel...<--- Just kidding! =) )

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Topic # 7: My Final Thoughts on "To Kill a Mocking Bird"

I, personally, liked the book because it was different and it was relating to another acurrance that happened during that certain time period. I think that the movie had some similarities, but most of it was "fiction".
By reading "To Kill a Mocking Bird" I have learned about empathy and a little about the jurisdicton back in that time period. I also learned that the book was mostly based on the Scottsboro Boy's trial, after reading the book and looking further into the trial.
I believe that the book was fantastic and I am hoping to read something else similar to it. :)

Friday, January 23, 2009

New blog, new post. Oh yeah.

First post of this blog.

Want to know how I got Kit Kat? Well, its my favorite candy bar what can I say. So read if you will, or just look at the adorable bunny of the day.